民進黨執政後天空地土風雲變色,我們很難從極權專制的沼氣中吸著自由民主的空氣。人民盼望強而有力、浩然之氣的政黨能撥亂反正,帶領國家負重前行,可惜國民黨在在表現氣數將盡,是不是該有所更新突破,如鷹展翅上騰。只有烏鴉會去啄老鷹。烏鴉會飛到老鷹的背上去啄牠的頸部。但老鷹不會理會烏鴉。牠不會浪費時間或力氣在烏鴉身上。老鷹只是展開雙翼,往更高的天空飛翔。飛得越高,烏鴉就越難呼吸,最後會因為氧氣不足而掉下來。別浪費你的時間在烏鴉身上。你只管專心高飛,牠們就會退去。仇敵會坐在你背上,咬你的頸項,「但那些仰望耶和華的人,必重新得力; 他們必像鷹一樣展翅上騰; 」(賽40:31)當仇敵一直在攪擾你時,你只管抬頭專心仰望你的上帝,你只管忠心專注完成你的使命,你的仇敵自然會退去離開...The only bird that dares to peck at an eagle is the crow.He sits on his back and bites his neck. However, the eagle does not respond, nor fight with the crow; it doesn't waste time or energy on the crow!It simply opens its wings and begins to rise higher in the heavens. The higher the flight, the harder it is for the crow to breathe and then the crow falls due to lack of oxygen.Stop wasting your time with the crows.Just take them to your heights and they'll fade.The enemy will sit behind your back and bite your neck... "but those who wait for the Lord will have new strength; They will raise wings like eagles... "…
#下架塔綠班! #無能貪腐的菜政府下台!
民進黨執政後天空地土風雲變色,我們很難從極權專制的沼氣中吸著自由民主的空氣。人民盼望強而有力、浩然之氣的政黨能撥亂反正,帶領國家負重前行,可惜國民黨在在表現氣數將盡,是不是該有所更新突破,如鷹展翅上騰。 只有烏鴉會去啄老鷹。 烏鴉會飛到老鷹的背上去啄牠的頸部。 但老鷹不會理會烏鴉。 牠不會浪費時間或力氣在烏鴉身上。 老鷹只是展開雙翼,往更高的天空飛翔。 飛得越高,烏鴉就越難呼吸, 最後會因為氧氣不足而掉下來。 別浪費你的時間在烏鴉身上。 你只管專心高飛,牠們就會退去。 仇敵會坐在你背上,咬你的頸項, 「但那些仰望耶和華的人,必重新得力; 他們必像鷹一樣展翅上騰; 」(賽40:31) 當仇敵一直在攪擾你時, 你只管抬頭專心仰望你的上帝, 你只管忠心專注完成你的使命, 你的仇敵自然會退去離開... The only bird that dares to peck at an eagle is the crow. He sits on his back and bites his neck. However, the eagle does not respond, nor fight with the crow; it doesn't waste time or energy on the crow! It simply opens its wings and begins to rise higher in the heavens. The higher the flight, the harder it is for the crow to breathe and then the crow falls due to lack of oxygen. Stop wasting your time with the crows. Just take them to your heights and they'll fade. The enemy will sit behind your back and bite your neck... "but those who wait for the Lord will have new strength; They will raise wings like eagles... "…